2024 will be the year more Varadiddle Content will come!
Spooky Vember
I've been thinking over Varadiddle a lot planning a lot of cool stuff and dealing with behind the scenes stuff and I can say with certainty right now now that Ep3 will come to 2024.
Flashback Scene??
My plans for this year is to at least get 2 episodes out. I don't wanna have people wait a whole year just for one episode so hopefully we can pull through and achieve this goal!
Ep3 will be the official introduction of Varadiddle. Originally Varadiddle was gonna have RPG-Type elements to it but I came up with a much better power system called "Almaflux" and I think everyone will like it. Although one character will keep those kind of video gamey elements. By the way we we're able to get a old flash game character into Varadiddle named Andy Law as well as his comrades from the Crazy Flasher series of games. He is a pretty obscure flash game character but I'll be happy if a few people recognize him. here is some concept art of him in Varadiddle by Sue.
He will be an antagonist btw.
Other TeamTwisted News
We've also been thinking up ideas for other TeamTwisted animations but 90 percent of the focus has been going into Varadiddle. We are excited to get Ep3 out in 2024. Happy New Year Varadiddlers.